Jakarta - We are proud to be involved in the prestigious project of Prime Tower Southgate, developed by PT. Keikyu Itomas Indonesia, a joint-venture between Keikyu Corporation, PT. Itochu dan Sinarmas Land. Launching of the show unit was held in TB Simatupang, South Jakarta on March 2nd, 2019, Saturday, and showcase the luxurious 3-Bedroom unit. As a whole, ‘Prime Tower Southgate’ pursues the concept of “Where urban luxury meets green living”, and INSADA as interior designer enhances that idea within the show unit. The concept collaborates luxurious modern life with the green beautiful environment for the young generation of urbanites, with 25 integrated premium facilities including AEON Mall. AEON Mall is Southgate Mix-used development (SMUD). Prime Tower Southgate has 60% open space with thematic parks and has 189 units.
For Southgate Prime Tower Show Unit, we are inspired by how an oasis embodies a place of rest/refuge for the modern Jakarta Family. our color palate is drawn from the oasis’ natural colors; cream sand, grey as predominant color and shades of blue as a calming accent color. We selected materials that carry depth to compliment the modern contemporary furniture, textured artwork, and impressive amenities for the modern lifestyle.
Interior, and furniture aesthetic expression is carefully curated to emphasize and extend the space. Furnitures are lifted off the ground and possesses elegant stands to not visually obstruct the ground plane. Meanwhile, the balance between mirror and artwork are strategically placed on each wall surfaces to give dimension and depth to the space. Imported materials such as luxurious marbles are installed selectively in places that has the most visual such as kitchen counter accent and bathroom vanities.
Prime Tower’s show unit intent is not only to show the grand living possibilities in this unit aesthetically, but also the careful dimensioning of the spaces so that each sqm in this apartment is functional. Living, dining, and kitchen room is on grand space supported by a service corridor. On the other hand, service area circulation is self-contained, it does not encroach the main living area, and equipped with wet kitchen, washing area, and maid’s room to accommodate a luxury living. The master bedroom is also lavish, equipped with walk in closet, vanity space, 4-fixture bath that includes a bathtub.
Jakarta – Kami merasa terhormat dapat terlibat dalam project prestisius dari Prime Tower Southgate yang dikembangkan oleh PT. Keikyu Itomas Indonesia, joint-venture antara Keikyu Corporation , PT. Itochu, dan Sinarmas Land. Launching show unit Southgate di selenggarakan di kawasan TB Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan, pada Sabtu, 2 Maret 2019 dan memperlihatkan 3 unit kamar tidur yang mewah. Secara keseluruhan, Prime Tower Southgate berkonsep “Where urban luxury meets green living” dan INSADA mengembangkan konsep tersebut dalam desain interior show unit. Konsep “Where urban luxury meets green living” menggabungkan gaya hidup modern mewah dengan lingkungan alam hijau nan asri untuk kaum urban generasi muda dan memiliki 25 fasilitas premium terintegrasi termasuk AEON Mall. AEON Mall ini merupakan Southgate Mixused development (SMUD). Prime Tower Southgate memiliki 60% ruang terbuka dengan taman tematik serta memiliki 189 unit.
Untuk Show unit Southgate Prime Tower, kami terinspirasi bagaimana sebuah oasis yang merupakan sumber ketenangan untuk keluarga modern Jakarta. Kami mengambil konsep warna dari warna-warna alami oasis; pasir krem, abu-abu sebagai warna dominan, dan nuansa biru sebagai warna aksen yang menenangkan. Kami memilih material yang bertekstur indah untuk mengkomplemen modern kontemporer furnitur, karya seni yang bertekstur, dan fasilitas yang mengesankan.
Interior dan estetik furnitur di pilih dengan cermat untuk mempertegas ruang dan memberikan kesan luas pada ruangan. Pilihan furnitur berkesan ringan dan memiliki model elegan agar serasi dengan denah ruang. Keseimbangan antara cermin dan artwork juga dirancang pada setiap permukaan dinding untuk memberikan dimensi dan kedalaman ruang. Bahan impor seperti marmer yang mewah dipasang secara selektif di tempat-tempat yang memiliki tampilan paling visual seperti kitchen counter accent dan vanity bathroom.
Show unit Prime Tower tidak hanya menunjukkan gaya hidup mewah secara estetik, tetapi juga dimensi ruang yang cermat sehingga setiap meter persegi di apartemen menjadi fungsional. Ruang tamu, ruang makan, dan dapur menjadi satu ruang besar yang didukung oleh service corridor. Di samping itu, Sirkulasi area dibuat self-contained, tidak mengganggu ruang tamu utama, dan dilengkapi dengan dapur basah, area cuci, dan kamar pembantu, cocok untuk tempat tinggal mewah. Kamar tidur utama yang mewah, dilengkapi dengan walk in closet, ruang rias, 4-fixture yang mencakup bathtub.