An abundance of natural light, while maintaining comfort in a tropical house setting becomes of great importance in the design process of House 13. In this project we took quite a radical approach, opening up the one single workable facade and clad it almost entirely with a glass curtain wall. (what we proposed) The result is a minimalistic modern house with passive cooling strategies that performs like a tropical house and maximizes every single inch of space available.
Banyaknya cahaya matahari yang masuk ke dalam rumah, dan kenyamanan dalam sebuah rumah tropis adalah aspek penting dalam proses desain House 13. Dalam proyek ini kami mengambil pendekatan yang cukup radikal, membuka satu fasad yang ada dan membalutnya hampir seluruhnya dengan a dinding kaca yang terlihat seperti tirai. (apa yang kami usulkan) Hasilnya adalah rumah modern minimalis dengan strategi pendinginan pasif yang berfungsi seperti rumah tropis dan memaksimalkan setiap inci ruang yang tersedia.
In 2017, Insada was asked to design a single-family residential home located in West Jakarta, Indonesia. Talking with the client, the brief was simple, which is to design a modern, comfortable living space, appropriate for this site in west Jakarta. The site is a flat residential suburban zone, relatively small at 144 sqm, 8x18 meters.
Pada tahun 2017, Insada diminta merancang rumah hunian satu keluarga yang berlokasi di Jakarta Barat, Indonesia. Saat berdiskusi dengan klien, arahannya sederhana, yaitu merancang ruang hidup yang modern dan nyaman, sesuai untuk situs proyek yang berada di Jakarta Barat ini. Situs ini adalah zona pinggiran kota, relatif kecil dengan luas 144 m2, 8x18 meter.

To achieve a house with tropical performance, we implemented passive cooling strategies to work in most living spaces to minimize the use of mechanical cooling systems. In House 13, there are two main elements of the house that are key to enabling the cross ventilation and the stack effect, which are the performative facade and the three-story shaft aligning horizontally at the rear of the house.
Listen to the full story by watching our latest video #BehindTheSeries by clicking here. You can also see more pictures of House13
