Designing Site Responsive
Mixed-Use Building
Our proposal for a Mixed-Use building located in Pancoran, Jakarta put forward a massing that is responsive to the site condition. Responding to a unique thin and elongated site, and diverse programs all around its borders - high-rise office towers in the east, highly-trafficked toll-road in the south, and low-rise single family houses in the north and west.
Proposal kami untuk bangunan Mixed-Use yang berlokasi di Pancoran, Jakarta mengajukan massa yang responsif terhadap kondisi situs yang unik. Menanggapi situs unik yang tipis dan memanjang, dan beragam program di sekitar perbatasannya - menara kantor bertingkat tinggi di timur, jalan tol yang sangat diperdagangkan di selatan, dan rumah keluarga tunggal bertingkat rendah di utara dan barat.
Project Type: Mixed-Use Tower Building
Tipe Proyek: Gedung Tinggi Multi-Guna
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Lokasi: Jakarta, Indoesia