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Hutama Karya Director's meeting room designed with contemporary interior space. Meeting Space, Director's Space, Office, Interior Design, Corporate



Establishing the New Standard for Leading BUMN Workspaces

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Hutama Karya Director's Room

Each of the Director's Room in Hutama Karya's spaces is tailored to their personality and identity as a leader. The President Director’s office, for one, features a contemporary interior space comprised of grey color palette accompanied with blue accents embodied within the furniture and floor, and dark Makassar wood wall veneer to bring forward the essence of masculitinity.

Scope: Interior Design

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Project Type: Director's Office

Hutama Karya Director's room designed with contemporary interior space. Meeting Space, Director's Space, Office, Interior Design, Corporate

In the Finance Director's room, we created a semi classic space to highlight her femininity. We choose shades of gray and white within our color palette to subdue and soften the working environment. White wood wall panels occupy the walls and high ceiling, are background against the contemporary and comfortable furniture that is characterized by undulating contours.


Pada ruang Direktur Keuangan, kami menciptakan ruang semi klasik untuk menonjolkan sisi feminimnya. Kami memilih warna abu-abu dan putih dalam palet warna kami untuk memberikan kesan kelembutan pada ruang kerja. Panel dinding kayu bernuansa putih pada dinding dan langit-langit yang tinggi, berlatar belakang furnitur kontemporer dan memberikan kesan nyaman yang dicirikan dengan kontur bergelombang.


Differently, the Typical Director’s Room features dark walnut wood wall panels as a bold background against the light furniture. The furniture is made to be both firm, yet comfortable for business meetings. Within the back-office spaces, each director’s personality is exhibited within each individual’s office. Nevertheless, a common thread in each room is a design that is timeless, supported with efficient spatial planning to promote individual’s creativity and working comfort.


Secara berbeda, Pada ruang direktur kami menampilkan panel-panel dinding kayu walnut gelap sebagai latar belakang yang tegas pada furnitur yang ringan. Furnitur yang dibuat dengan kesan tegas, namun nyaman untuk pertemuan bisnis. Dalam ruang back-office, kepribadian direktur ditunjukkan di setiap ruang kantornya. Namun demikian, benang merah di setiap ruangan adalah desain yang tidak lekang oleh waktu, didukung dengan perencanaan tata ruang yang efisien untuk mendorong kreativitas dan kenyamanan kerja setiap individu.

HK Direktur Keuangan yang didesain semi klasik dan lebih feminim. Kantor, Desain Interior
HK Direktur Keuangan yang didesain semi klasik dan lebih feminim. Kantor, Desain Interior
Hutama Karya Director's room designed with contemporary interior space. Meeting Space, Director's Space, Office, Interior Design, Corporate
HK Direktur Keuangan yang didesain semi klasik dan lebih feminim. Kantor, Desain Interior
Hutama Karya Director's room designed with contemporary interior space. Meeting Space, Director's Space, Office, Interior Design, Corporate

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